Applicant’s right to remuneration is restored

News Restoration of rights

In May 2021, the Human Rights Ombudsman in the DPR received an appeal from a citizen N, who is an employee of one of the enterprises of the Republic, on the issue of non-payment of wages for the period from November 2020 to May 2021.

Having studied the materials of the appeal, as well as the arguments of the applicant, the Ombudsman saw possible violations of labor legislation, and therefore the Ombudsman turned to the DPR General Prosecutor’s Office in order to conduct an appropriate check.

Based on the results of the inspection, the supervisory authority found a violation of the provisions of labor legislation. In this regard, the relevant documents of the prosecutor’s response have been prepared for the management of CJSC “V”.

With the assistance of the Ombudsman, the rights of a worker N. were restored. Based on the results of the inspection carried out by the prosecutor’s office, the debt to the said applicant was partially repaid.

In connection with the increased number of complaints about existing wage arrears, we recommend that citizens additionally familiarize themselves with explanations of labor legislation on the Ombudsman’s website.