More than 60 DPR citizens receive advice from Ombudsman Office


The activities of the Ombudsman are aimed at identifying and suppressing cases of violation of human rights and freedoms. One can file a complaint with the Ombudsman or make an appointment for a personal reception if his/her rights have been violated.

In the period of work between 9 and 15 June 2018, 3 persons visited the Ombudsman in person, 39 persons received counselling by the Appeals department, 12 citizens received counselling by the Working Group on Issues of Temporary Displaced Persons, and 7 persons received legal counselling. 17 written appeals were approved for consideration, 10 – have been reviewed among those received earlier. 22 calls were received via hotlines, 10 applications were received via e-mail.

Since the beginning of 2018, the Ombudsman received 2877 appeals.