Greetings from Daria Morozova on the City Day


Dear Donetsk habitants and city visitors!

On behalf of the Human Rights Ombudsman Office I sincerely congratulate you on the City Day!

This Day is celebrated by all generations – those who built the city-hero Donetsk, who live and work for its good, who fought and who are still fighting for a peaceful sky over it!

Donetsk is the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic. People are the most important and valuable resource of Donetsk. The city always attracts people with special features: heroism, greatheartedness and helpfulness. They all love Donetsk and their Motherland.

May the city always be full of sincere love, peaceful creative work, caring for children, happiness and faith! May the skies always be clear and peaceful!

Dear friends, I congratulate you once again on the City Day!

I wish you good health, happiness, success, goodness, optimism and peace! May the love to your native city always make you strong and inspired!

Daria Morozova, the Human Rights Ombudsman in the Donetsk People’s Republic.