Certificate confirming residence in Temporary Accommodation Centre of the DPR Ombudsman’s Office


When applying to the Ombudsman’s Office on the issue of a certificate confirming the actual place of residence, be sure to bring the originals and copies of the following documents:

  1. Identity document (passport, address certificate, birth certificate) of all family members.
  2. Identification number.
  3. A document confirming the fact of the destroyed housing, according to the address of registration (certificate of destruction).
  4. A document certifying the fact of residing at the temporary accommodation centre (the document can be issued by the owner of the facility or by the body that keeps records of internally displaced persons by administrative and territorial location of the TAC).

In the absence of one of the documents, a certificate confirming the actual place of residence without registration is not to be issued.

Please, note! The reference is only issued to people who live in Temporary Accommodation Centres of the DPR Ombudsman’s Office.