Representatives of DPR Ombudsman Office conduct inspection in Western correctional colony

Events News

Staff of DPR Ombudsman Office carried out inspection of the conditions of detention of persons serving sentences in Western correctional colony. They also paid special attention to observance of convicts’ rights by the administration of the facility.

At the time of the visit, 425 convicts have been serving their sentences in the colony. The inmates have appropriate nutrition, which meets the established standards. There is a canteen in a separate building. Also, there are bathroom and laundry facilities, a bakery and a subsidiary farm in the territory of the institution. In line with the legislation in force, convicted persons enjoy the right to short and long visits.

In the colony, there is a medical unit with an X-ray machine, a fluorograph and two dental chairs. It is fully provided with medicines. There is an in-patient and out-patient treatment available. In case of need, there is a possibility of hospitalization of prisoners in a medical institution of the city of Makeevka or in a multi-field hospital for convicts in the Donetsk correctional colony.

There are cultural activities and competitions organised for inmates. There is a gym and a club, where prisoners watch films and artistic performances. In the territory of the colony, there is an Orthodox church and a prayer’s room, attended by a priest every week. There is a possibility for convicts to obtain secondary education, as well as special education.

The convicts are allowed to work if they wish. The Western correctional colony specializes in manufacturing metal products, garments and vehicle maintenance. Workers in the production area are provided with workwear and other personal protective equipment. The inmates get paid in accordance with the current legislation.

As part of the inspection, staff of DPR Ombudsman Office conducted a personal reception for the convicts. There were questions about granting pardon and transfer to the territory of Ukraine to continue serving their sentences. The human rights defenders provided a detailed clarification of the norms of the current legislation. There were no complaints regarding actions of the administration of the facility or lack of necessary medical assistance.