Representatives of DPR Ombudsman Office conduct inspection in Khartsysk Child Welfare Centre

Events News

Representatives of the DPR Human Rights Ombudsman Office conducted a follow-up inspection of the educational process and living conditions in Khartsysk Child Welfare Centre.

Currently, 28 children aged from 3 to 18 in difficult life situations are staying in the facility around-the-clock. Children are provided with comprehensive social, psychological, educational, medical, legal and other types of assistance. Social and pedagogical correction are carried out based on individual needs of each child. Also, the specialists assist in reintegration to the family.

Representatives of the Human Rights Ombudsman noted that in summer children visit a water zone in Zugres, as well as museums and exhibitions, accompanied by staff of the Centre. Cultural events devoted to holidays or memorable days and leisure-time activities are organised.

As part of the visit, representatives of the Ombudsman Office met the leading staff of the institution. They discussed living conditions, medical treatment, education, cultural and disciplinary measures.

As a result of the inspection, education and living environment for children in the Khartsysk Child Welfare Centre received a positive assessment from the staff of DPR Ombudsman Office.

DPR Ombudsman Daria Morozova expressed gratitude to the administration and staff of the facility for faithful implementation of their duties.