Professional approach to job search

Extracts for legal literacy News

The question of finding a suitable job will always be one of the most urgent. This situation is due to many factors: change of place of residence, retraining/change of interests, deterioration or, conversely, improvement of physical condition, but mainly – the desire to improve personal financial situation.

The issue of job search should be treated with full responsibility and due attention. Job search is also a kind of work that requires the expenditure of certain efforts, attention and, first of all, patience.

But before starting to search for a suitable vacancy, the applicant has to clearly define the goal to himself to which, in the end, he/she intends to come. It is necessary to analyze capabilities, personal and professional qualities, as well as individual psychological characteristics.

When looking for a job, you should use all possible resources to maximize the interest of the employer. For this purpose, a resume should indicate more complete information about your professional skills and qualities, experience.

It should be noted that the main function of the state is the social protection of citizens, the implementation of which is carried out in various directions, including by promoting the employment of the population. Therefore, an effective and affordable way to find a job is to contact the Job Centre of any city (regardless of the place of registration).

In each Job Centre, the applicant can familiarize with the list of available vacancies, as well as receive qualified assistance from a specialist in this matter. If at the Job Centre there is currently no vacancy suitable for you, you have the right to register for unemployment.

In addition, it should be noted that vocational training is provided for citizens looking for work in order to promote employment of the population. Thus, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People’s Republic of 10.03.2017 No. 3-25 approved the Procedure for vocational training and additional vocational education by the order of the territorial bodies of the Republican Employment Centre of the Donetsk People’s Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

The procedure determines the mechanism for organizing vocational training for job seekers in need of vocational training, retraining or advanced training.

Vocational training for job seekers can be carried out by the job centres’ order if: the person is not qualified; it is impossible to find a suitable job due to the lack of the required qualifications; it is necessary to change the profession (occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the person’s qualifications; the person has lost the ability to perform work according to the existing qualifications.

Professional training for job seekers is carried out:

– by professions, specialties that are in demand in the labour market;

– by profession for specific jobs provided by employers in accordance with the contracts concluded with them by job centres in the prescribed manner;

– for the purpose of the subsequent organization of entrepreneurial activity.

In addition, the “Republican Job Fair” is held on a regular basis – one of the most significant events for the population and employers, which is held simultaneously in all job centres of cities and regions of the Republic. During the job fair, job seekers can directly communicate with representatives of employers, clarify information of interest to them, and discuss the possibility of their employment.

Diversify your job search as much as possible: in addition to the job centre, you can contact relatives, friends and acquaintances, study advertisements in the media, send your resume to organizations in which you would like to find a job. It would also not be superfluous to note that when looking for a job, you should give preference to vacancies with official registration, so as not to deprive yourself of the social guarantees in the future provided for by current legislation.