Comment of the Ombudsman on the results of Minsk negotiations of 1 March

Comments and statements of the Ombudsman News

Involvement of an international organization, which would be responsible for recording detainees’ consent or refusal to cross the delimitation line was the most popular issue of the meeting of the humanitarian subgroup in Minsk.

According to the Ukrainian side, there are persons claimed by the DPR who do not wish to cross the delimitation line. Taking into account the use of illegal methods, moral and psychological pressure by SSU, we have doubts about their genuine desire to stay in the territory of Ukraine. So, it was decided to involve UN representatives
to get assurance of the voluntary character of these statements. The international organization has given its consent to exercise control. The more efficient this work will be, the earlier we will be able to perform the exchange.

As soon as documentation of the cases of refusals to cross the delimitation line will be complete, we will be very close to the long-awaited release of our fellows.

I hope, the Ukrainian side will not create new obstacles and we will finally exchange the prisoners of war.