Greeting of the Human Rights Ombudsman in the Donetsk People’s Republic on the centennial anniversary of the October Revolution


One hundred years ago overnight into November 8, 1917, there was an event that changed the course of history and became the beginning of the creation of a new state. The right of nations to self-determination, proclaimed by the Soviet government, became the foundation on which many sovereign states were built. This is one of the main international principles that represent the right of every person to establish the structure of government, to be independent in choosing a political status and a vector of economic and cultural development.

The history of the Donetsk People’s Republic also began with the realization of the people’s right to self-determination. In April 2014, Donbass residents decided to choose their own future and defend the inalienable right to speak their native language.

From 1996 to 2004, the Day of Accord and Reconciliation had been celebrated in the Russian Federation on November 7. The holiday reminded all residents of the huge state to be tolerant and helpful towards each other, regardless of nationality, class, religion and other grounds. To find a compromise, to end all disputes and disagreements, and to re-establish justice are the true aspirations of every resident of the Donetsk People’s Republic. We have to be united to achieve our goals, and we’ll see our young state prosperous and developed, ensuring the welfare of all its residents. Accord and reconciliation are the necessary conditions for establishing peace in Donbass.

November 7 is a holiday of our history, and everyone must know and remember the history of their Motherland. Our ancestors fought for peace with love for their native land, giving their lives for the well-being of future generations. Our task is to honor, appreciate and protect this heritage.

May everyone always be the architect of their fortune and of the state’s fate! May all our aspirations come true, and peace and harmony become an integral part of our life. Happy holiday, dear residents of the Donetsk People’s Republic!

Daria Morozova, the Human Rights Ombudsman in the DPR.