February 20 – World Day for Social Justice


February 20 was proclaimed World Day of Social Justice in accordance with the resolution adopted on December 18, 2007 by the UN General Assembly.

According to the organizers, this international date should contribute to the eradication of poverty, the provision of people with full employment and decent work, the achievement of equality of men and women, as well as the establishment of social welfare and social equality for all.

As the pursuit of social justice is one of the most important tasks of the UN, member states devote this day to events at the national level that create additional social opportunities.

Millions of people around the world take part in the celebration every year to help improve the social situation and reduce the overall level of social injustice. For this purpose, seminars, conferences, as well as collections by charitable foundations of donations for those in need are regularly held. Also, proposals for improving legislation, employment programs, and retirement benefits are considered. The activists of public organizations draw the attention of officials to topical issues of fair relations between the individual and society.

One of the main documents regulating legal relations in this direction is the Declaration on Social Justice for the Purposes for a Fair Globalization. It focuses on guaranteeing equitable results for all through employment, social dialogue and fundamental principles and rights in the workplace. This, in turn, will reduce tensions in the world, prevent future conflicts and help in post-conflict restoration.