December 10 – Human Rights Day


On December 10, the whole world celebrates Human Rights Day. In 1948 the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which became the first universal international act to protect human rights and freedoms. In 1950, two years later, the UN adopted a resolution calling on all states and international organizations to establish this date as Human Rights Day.

Thanks to the participation of representatives of different legal and cultural systems from different countries of the world in the drafting of the Declaration, the universal values ​​and common achievements of all peoples and countries of the planet are fully enshrined in it.

The Declaration was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a document that was translated into more than 400 languages ​​and dialects, which testifies to its universal character and the importance of its worldwide distribution.

In the DPR, the Republican Human Rights Institute, headed by Ombudsman Daria Morozova, is standing guard over the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The position of the Commissioner for Human Rights was established in the DPR during the formation of the Republic, in 2014, in order to ensure guarantees of state protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Today, in the context of the armed conflict and a large number of war crimes committed by the Ukrainian authorities against the civilian population of Donbass and other regions of the Russian Federation, it is more than ever necessary to unite the efforts of human rights institutions in the interests of observing human rights and freedoms. Only together we can build just and humane society, where the value of human life is limitless!