Comment of the Deputy Chief Administrator of the DPR Ombudsman’s Office Savchenko Roman on the occasion of the second anniversary of establishment of the Human Rights Institution

Comments and statements of the Ombudsman News

The two-year activity of the Human Rights Ombudsman’s Office in the Donetsk People’s Republic has brought its results: for people, it proved to be the most objective and accessible state body, where they can obtain an accurate legal assessment of the decisions appealed. Residents of the Republic know that the staffs of the Ombudsman’s Office will pay due attention to their problems, give expert advice, support them in the struggle for their rights, consistently and thoroughly.

First of all, the Ombudsman monitors observance of the rights of citizens. In our work we are guided by the principles of justice. The institution is a little bridge between a citizen and an authority.

“Be always honest and impartial in the legal assessment of conflict situations arising between a citizen and an official” – that is our motto, and people know it. They made sure that we are decisive and consistent in the cause of protection of their violated rights and freedoms.

Building of a law-based state and civil society mainly depends on human rights education and awareness. That is why, legal education of citizens is one of the basic focuses of the Ombudsman.

In 2017, the Ombudsman initiated to relaunch the “OUESTIONS-AND ANSWERS” rubric on the website. The weekly feature program is devoted to the most pressing issues of human rights and freedoms. The subjects cover questions and proposals of the DPR citizens, and the most urgent events and problems. This is one of the most interesting projects in terms of forms of information delivery and usefulness.

The primary objective of the Ombudsman’s Office is to exert every effort to promote observance of the rights of all DPR citizens, because someone’s life and destiny depends on each and every problem, we cannot turn aside. It is the greatest satisfaction for us when we provide real help to people, ensure realization or restoration of their rights.