Arrears of wages

News Restoration of rights

In March 2021, the Ombudsman received a collective appeal from former employees of one of the enterprises of the Republic on the issue of non-payment of wages, as well as the refusal of the management to issue the relevant documents confirming this fact.

After examining the materials of the appeal, as well as the arguments of the applicants, the Ombudsman found violations of labour legislation, and therefore turned to the DPR General Prosecutor’s Office in order to initiate an appropriate inspection.

As a result, the supervisory authority found violations of the provisions of labour legislation. In this regard, the relevant documents of the prosecutor’s response were prepared to the acting director of LLC “A”.

With the assistance of the Ombudsman, the rights of the applicants were restored. The DPR General Prosecutor’s Office demanded and received from the acting director of the enterprise certificates of the amount of wage arrears to all applicants.

In order to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, the prosecutor’s office in the interests of the former employees of LLC “A” prepared appropriate claims in court.