5 September – International Day of Charity


International Day of Charity was established by resolution 67/105 of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) and has been celebrated since 2013. The aim of the initiative is to draw attention to the activity of charitable organizations, philanthropists and volunteers. Today, the UN invites all member states, interested organizations and civil society to conduct contributing to philanthropic educational and promotional events.

The date of the International Day of Charity was not chosen by chance. The 5th of September is the day of death of the missionary and nun Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who devoted her life to serving the poor and sick people. Thus, the UN emphasized the importance of the role of mutual assistance and humanity in overcoming acute humanitarian crises, establishing peace, building dialogue between people of different civilizations, cultures and religions.

The organization highlights philanthropy as one of the key needs of humanity. Indeed, despite technological progress and rapid world development, the number of people in distress is constantly growing. This is largely due to the increase in the number of military and political conflicts, refugees and displaced persons. At the same time, the UN believes that governments cannot single-handedly achieve goals of sustainable development and eradicating poverty. The involvement of the civil sector (through volunteerism and philanthropy) is the essential part to change life on the planet for the better.

It is noted that charity is an indispensable tool for protecting the population. It complements the activities of the state in such key areas as health care, education, nature protection, contributes to the development of culture, science, and sports. Philanthropists contribute to strengthening the ideology of mercy, breaking down social barriers and uniting society, by providing gratuitous aid. Also, not only donations are important. Volunteers provide the needy with things, food, hygiene products, help to find housing, and organize the blood drive. But the main thing is that they devote time to the problems of other people, and this is an invaluable resource because sometimes a person needs care and participation.