20 people approach Ombudsman Office on issues of temporary accommodation


Since the beginning of hostilities in Donbass, DPR Ombudsman Office regularly provides citizens with humanitarian relief and psychological assistance, as well as facilitates employment and temporary accommodation for citizens who suffered as a result of the armed conflict and had to leave their homes.

During the period of work between 2 and 8 June 2018, 20 persons have applied to the Ombudsman’s Office on the issues related to internally displaced persons. There are currently 1200 housing spots available for people who suffered as a result of the armed conflict.

1219 IDPs now live in temporary accommodation centres of the Office, including 227 underage children.

Since the beginning of aggression on the part of Ukraine, 5380 referrals for temporary accommodation have been issued (137 of them – in 2018) for people who suffered as a result of the conflict.